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Holographic Kinetics Brisbane

Need Energetic healing? Our experienced team can help.

Holographic Kinetics is an advanced healing technique based on an ancient understanding of Aboriginal Lore, the universal laws that govern the creation, and the knowledge that everything in nature is alive and can be communicated with. Elder, Steve Richards, has taken what he has learnt through his Elders, his research, and the ancient healing modalities that are used in the community, to form the modality Holographic Kinetics.

Thoughts and emotions from difficult experiences in the past can become trapped in a person’s body to create realities.

Book your Holographic Kinetics in one of our team here.

What is Holographic Kinetics?

Thoughts, emotions and beliefs from difficult experiences in the past can become trapped in a person’s body to create realities and ongoing cycles.

Once these conflicts are trapped in the body, these energies are carried through time, negatively affecting people’s lives. 

These moments and emotions experienced in conflict create a hologram in our cells that renew and repeat over time. 

This hologram contains a particular frequency - for example, the frequency of fear, guilt, shame, heartache and inadequacy.  

These trapped energies interact with the external world and - following the law of attraction - like attracts like. Our internal frequencies are met like a magnet to our external world, bringing us people or situations that will continue to confirm our internal emotions of fear, shame, inadequacy etc.

How Holographic Kinetics works

The world in which we live is a field of energy frequencies where everything affects everything else. Every cause has an effect and every creation must eventually return to balance. Trapped negative energies can affect a person’s perception of reality and act as a filter through which the person interprets the world, and can also have a very negative effect on how the person perceives reality. As a result, emotionally they can create depression, fear or anxiety; mentally they can create confusion, compulsive disorders and stress and physically they can create discomfort or pain.

How Holographic Kinetics works

The world in which we live is a field of energy frequencies where everything affects everything else. Every cause has an effect and every creation must eventually return to balance. Trapped negative energies can affect a person’s perception of reality and act as a filter through which the person interprets the world, and can also have a very negative effect on how the person perceives reality. As a result, emotionally they can create depression, fear or anxiety; mentally they can create confusion, compulsive disorders and stress and physically they can create discomfort or pain.

What can you expect by coming to our Brisbane Holographic Kinetics clinic?

By going on a non-invasive internal journey in a Holographic Kinetics appointment at Shift, you can access the dimension (moments of conflict) where such energies were first trapped. From there, you can witness what occurred and release that energy. 

During your Holographic Kinetics session, we can unravel the emotions, beliefs and decisions that were locked into your body, and acknowledge how these have created cycles of similarity throughout your life. 

Once the old hologram has been cleared, you can see the world differently as your perception is no longer influenced by your past negative experience, allowing you to be free to create positive life experiences.

Our Brisbane Holographic Kinetics Clinic

Our Brisbane Holographic Kinetics Clinic - the Shift Clinic - is located in Milton. The clinic offers a range of end-to-end wellness services from naturopathy, nutrition and acupuncture to hypnotherapy, kinesiology and Holographic Kinetics. 

We are best known for our Australian-first health memberships which are centred around naturopathy and integrate with our emotional wellness and acupuncture and massage services. To learn more about what we do and to book your appointment, contact us via or call us on 07 3367 0337.

Our Brisbane Holographic Kinetics practitioners

Our Holographic Kinetics practitioners Kristina Nott have seen powerful shifts in people's mental and physical well-being by using this effective method of healing.

To make an appointment with Kristina head here or call the clinic on 07 3367 0337 to book in.

What we treat

Holographic Kinetics works well to help treat health concerns including:

  • anxiety
  • depression
  • PTSD
  • addiction
  • eating disorders
  • self-esteem
  • negative thought patterns or beliefs
  • sleep issues
  • chronic pain
  • grief
  • Infertility
  • childhood and/or sexual trauma.

After your visit

It is common to feel tired after your appointment, and if you experience big emotions during your session, you may want space to process your thoughts or journal afterwards. We recommend that you plan ahead so that you don’t need to rush off or head back to work straight after your session.

Ready to book? Book online here


Holographic Kinetics can work on many issues mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically. The most common health concerns that we see in the clinic are anxiety, depression, PTSD, addiction, eating disorders, self-esteem, negative thought patterns or beliefs, sleep issues, chronic pain, grief, infertility, childhood and/or sexual trauma.

We have three excellent Holographic Kinetics practitioners at Shift that are experienced in a wide range of emotional wellness and healing modalities. 

When you call us on 07 3367 0337 we will ask you what you need help with specifically so we can match you with the practitioner who can help you the most. You can also read more about our practitioner’s backgrounds here.

You do not need to bring anything physical to your appointment at Shift. You will be lying down for the majority of the session, so please wear something comfortable. You are welcome to note down the things in life that are affecting you the most, whether that be physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually. Please come to your appointment with an open mind and we recommend that you plan ahead so that you don’t need to rush off or head back to work straight after your appointment.

It is not recommended to have a Holographic Kinetics appointment when you are time restricted or in a rush. It is common to feel tired afterwards, and if you experience big emotions during your session, you may want space to process your thoughts or journal afterwards.

As this is an individual process, your practitioner will be able to give you a rough idea of the number of sessions you will need and how often you will need them after your first appointment. 

Most clients will begin to notice some level of change after their first appointment, but will usually require at least four appointments to shift long-term issues, particularly if they have manifested into physical symptoms and are affecting their health.

Unlike other healing modalities, you are fully aware and conscious at all times. There is a substantial amount of verbal exchange throughout the session so you will not fall asleep.

Children over 14 years old are welcome to have a Holographic Kinetics session by themselves if they and their parent/guardian give consent. As a parent, you can do a surrogate session for your child where they do not need to be present in the room. It is recommended that the parent has had at least one session themselves to understand the process before undergoing a surrogate session. 

Holographic Kinetics is an on-table treatment so it cannot be offered virtually. We can offer surrogate sessions where two of our practitioners can work together with your Spirit to work through your presenting issues. The surrogate sessions are charged at a higher fee. Please contact reception if you are interested in discussing this further on 07 3367 0337.

During a session we do not refer to or call in any Gods or angels. Holographic Kinetics comes from ancient Aboriginal healing modalities and does not require you to have or not have any particular religious or cultural beliefs. If you are of a faith that does not believe in past lives, please make this known to your practitioner so that they can stick to issues presenting in this life if you do not wish to work through past life trauma. 

Book your Holographic Kinetics appointment online here.
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Book Your Holographic Kinetics Appointment Online

Book an appointment with one of the practitioners at Shift.

Book Your Massage Appointment Online

Book Your Human Design Appointment Online

For more information on our human design sessions, contact our Brisbane clinic today on 07 3367 0337.

Book Your Nutrition Appointment Online

The current wait time for an appointment with our nutritionist is approximately 3-4 weeks – be sure to check the next few weeks for availability in your search results. 

If you have an urgent concern that cannot wait, please call us on 07 3367 0337 and we will do our best to fit you in earlier.

Please note you will need to ‘make a profile’ to book an appointment – this will then send us your personal details and create a client file for you. If you’d prefer to call then go through this process then please do!

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Book Your Massage Appointment Online

Book Your Osteopathy Appointment Online

Book Your Kinesiology Appointment Online

Book Your Hypnotherapy Appointment Online

For more information on our hypnotherapy treatments for smoking, anxiety, or depression, contact our Brisbane clinic today on 07 3367 0337.

Book Your Naturopathy Appointment Online

You can book your own appointment using our easy online appointment scheduler 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you have an urgent concern that cannot wait, please call us on 07 3367 0337 and we will do our best to fit you in earlier.

Please note you will need to ‘make a profile’ to book an appointment – this will then send us your personal details and create a client file for you. If you’d prefer to call then go through this process then please do! 

Book Your IVF Acupuncture Appointment Online

Book Your Acupuncture Appointment Online

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Your gut is the centre of everything!

Your ability to digest food and absorb nutrients determines your health, and your microbiome (the bacteria that live inside you) are so important for preventing disease.

Take the quiz now to discover...
  1. How well you are digesting food.
  2. If you’re eating the right things for a healthy gut.
  3. The state of your microbiome.
  4. Your overall gut health score.
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