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Hypnotherapy To Quit Smoking Brisbane

We are providers of clinical hypnotherapy to help you stop smoking

Thousands of people have used hypnotherapy to quit smoking. Hypnotherapy is a proven, natural and effective approach to quit smoking permanently. The average smoker spends $3000-$4000 a year - just imagine what you could do with that once this habit is out of your life. Not to mention the health benefits.

Now is the time. If you want to see a hypnotist to quit smoking, we are here to help you. 

Are you ready to quit smoking for good? This program is for you. 

Book your Hypnotherapy at Shift Brisbane here.

What is the Shift Clinic quit smoking program about?

The Shift Clinic Quit Smoking Program is individually tailored to your needs. Our experienced Clinical Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist Gary Cosier will work with you closely and support you to find your triggers for smoking and implement new goals and motivations in your life.

Each stop smoking hypnotherapy session will get you closer to living a healthy lifestyle – but you need to want to quit. If you’ve tried nicotine replacement therapy or alternative smoking cessation aids and it hasn’t worked for you, hypnosis is a great next option. This therapeutic tool has reliable evidence that most smokers will quit smoking once they go through this process. We work with your subconscious mind, alleviating the desire to smoke using a holistic approach that has no adverse effects.

Hypnotherapy techniques we use to help you quit smoking

Hypnotherapy is not something weird or scary - in fact the whole process is easy. We have literally helped literally thousands of smokers to get over nicotine dependence at our Brisbane hypnosis clinic. The first thing Gary will do it determine the drivers and reasons behind your smoking and how it impacts your life. Using hypnotherapy to quit smoking is about so much more than just hypnotising you out of smoking, it's about getting deep into the subconscious mind to alter and change the beliefs and programs that lead you to want to smoke in the first place.

Hypnotherapy treatment process to help you quit smoking

We've been helping people quit smoking for over 14 years and a lot of people are worried about choosing hypnosis to quit smoking is they haven't had hypnotherapy before. To successfully quit smoking we need to do some work on your inner world. During your hypnotherapy session Gary will use techniques that have worked for thousands before you to quit smoking. You'll feel supported, guided and confident in every step of the process.

Why choose Shift for quit smoking hypnotherapy in Brisbane?

Helping people quit smoking is something we love to do because the benefits are so broad. Come and see Gary to help you quit smoking if you want a senior therapist with lots of experience where he will use methods that are tried and tested with thousands.

Book your Hypnotherapy at Shift Brisbane here.

What to expect from your first quit smoking hypnotherapy session at our Brisbane clinic

Our smoking cessation program is $695 and may include a follow up session if required. Most people who see Gary can successfully quit smoking with one session. Before you come in, we will ask you some pre-screening questions to ensure you are ready and will be able to quit smoking using our process.

Please arrive a few minutes prior to your appointment to settle in to the space and get ready for your quit smoking hypnosis session.

Gary Cosier is our clinical hypnotherapist. He has over 10 years experience in helping people quit smoking through hypnosis and is there to support your quite smoking cessation.

When you arrive at Shift at Brisbane Natural Health you will start your appointment with our hypnotist learning more about you. We’ll work with you to understand what triggers your smoking habit, what difficulties you’ve had in stopping smoking in the past and answer any questions you have about going into hypnosis.

During the 90-min session, we spend a lot of time guiding you into a relaxed state. We want to create an environment where you feel safe and secure and able to share your issues. We have an amazing team who will make sure you are comfortable during and after your session.

When it comes to quitting smoking a one size fits all hypnosis session doesn’t work for everyone. The reason we are able to have such high success rates is that Gary will look at the psychological problems, emotional triggers and underlying reasons you reach for a smoke – without addressing this hypnosis for quitting smoking is not impactful long term. This is why a single session usually works, but sometimes the client may need more to get to the root of the issue. In our pre-screening, we will let you know what we thing the effectiveness of hypnosis will be and what approach to take.

You’ll come in and have a discussion with Gary first, before the hypnosis session begins. You’ll be in a comfortable chair and Gary will take you through a deep relaxation process – this creates an altered state of consciousness – but not one where you are not present or awake. Along with hypnosis, Gary may utlise other forms of therapy to improve the effectiveness of hypnosis.

After the session you may feel relaxed and we recommend you take it easy if you can. You want to give the treatment time to settle and you may need time to reflect.

While one to two sessions is enough for most people to quit smoking, there may be instances where you choose to continue undergoing hypnosis for a period of time. Hypnotherapy sessions are so great to work on anything that impacts your emotional health and happiness, and now that you’ve quit smoking perhaps you’d like to dive into other issues that could be impacting you. Hypnosis is such a valuable tool for quitting smoking, but also for mood disorders, insomnia and other problems.

What our clients say...

Book your Hypnotherapy at Shift Brisbane here.

Our expert team of hypnotherapists in Brisbane that specialise in quit smoking techniques


Gary Cosier

Hypnotherapist and Psychotherapist

Available for in-clinic and virtual appointments  Gary has been practising clinical hypnotherapy and strategic psychotherapy for over 10 years and is a Professional Member of the Australian Society of Clinical […]
Ready to book? Book online here.

Does quit smoking hypnotherapy actually work?

Dr Alfred A. Barrios (PhD) conducted a study for the Psychotherapy Magazine (Volume 7, Issue 1) to investigate the effectiveness of Hypnotherapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and Psychoanalysis (Psychology) on mental health disorders.

The results he uncovered astonished the clinical community…

  • After 60 sessions of Psychotherapy without hypnosis, there was a mere 38% success rate.

  • After only 22 sessions of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, there was a 72% success rate.

  • However, after just 6 sessions of Hypnotherapy, there was a whopping 93% success rate!

Book your appointment CTA

Making a Quit Smoking Hypnosis appointment with our Hypnotherapist Gary Cosier is easy. Simply call our team on 07 3367 0337 or book an appointment with us using the online form below.

Book your Hypnotherapy appointment online here.

Quit smoking hypnotherapy FAQs.

The decision to quit smoking is not taken lightly. The fact that you are reading this indicates that you are looking for a solution. It is important that it is your decision and you make it willingly and are completely committed to doing what needs to be done to get a positive outcome. This is not about preaching to you to stop smoking or telling you things you as a person already know. It is more about presenting some useful tips and ideas to help you quit smoking in a practical way to meet your to become a permanent non-smoker.

The obvious and immediate answer to this question is going to be a resounding “yes!” – otherwise why would you be doing it? But let’s pause for a minute and think about this in a bit more detail. What exactly is it that you are enjoying about smoking? Can you put your finger on it?

Is it the taste of cigarettes that you enjoy? If so, then why do you inhale when you smoke rather than leave it in your mouth?

You really should think long and hard about this. If smoking is enjoyable, do you believe that you could explain this to a non-smoker who hasn’t experienced it before? You need to be able to persuade a non-smoker about what it is that he or she is going to enjoy so much. And then when they start to cough and splutter, you need to be able to explain why they’re not doing it properly. It sounds ridiculous doesn’t it? But if smoking is enjoyable, then shouldn’t it be enjoyable to someone who hasn’t done it before?

Or, you can enjoy quitting smoking instead! It makes more sense, doesn’t it?

Nicotine is generally thought of as an addictive substance. But think about drugs that we know to be highly addictive. If the addict can’t get hold of them, they experience all kinds of serious, physical withdrawal symptoms which may require medical intervention.

Ask yourself the following question; if you were living on a remote mountaintop for a few days and couldn’t get hold of any cigarettes, would you suffer from such severe withdrawal symptoms such as vomiting and seizures? No, probably not.

You will hear continued arguing that smoking is not about addiction, it’s about habit. Nicotine leaves your system after a few days of stopping smoking. Once it’s gone what you are left with is a strong habit and cravings that you probably associate with other experiences – socialising, drinking coffee, driving etc. Habits can be very strong, but they don’t take long to form. We believe that you can develop new and healthy habits very quickly too.

Hypnotherapy is one of the best interventions when it comes to breaking habits like quitting smoking. With smoking, we are going to help to break the mental loops that keep you from smoking each day. You’ll feel less stress and more free. The fear you have about quitting smoking and how you will handle it will be gone.

The session – Shift Clinic Stop Smoking hypnosis cost is $695 and is 90 minutes long. For this price, you will also receive a second session two weeks later (should you need it) to ensure that there isn’t anything that could sabotage your ongoing success. That’s two sessions for the price of one and the smoking program is well worth it.

Make no mistake, nicotine is a very powerful substance and the first few days can be uncomfortable because your body is losing the nicotine. It is important to understand this and be prepared for it. Perhaps pamper yourself a little, to begin with.

But always look for the positive angle to quit smoking. See the slight discomfort of the first few days not as your body withdraws, but as your body sheds the harmful toxins and poisons and starts to repair itself. Once those first two or three days are over you are dealing with a habit, albeit a strong one, but something that you can easily handle.

Find someone who has successfully become a non smoker and ask them how the first few days were. They’ll probably tell you they were fine. It is all part of the very positive process of becoming a non smoker.

Using willpower to quit involves giving up smoking even though deep down you don’t really want to. Think about that. We have an inbuilt resistance to being told to do things that we don’t want to do, or don’t think we should do – it’s a basic survival instinct. The majority of people who try to quit smoking, particularly on their first attempt, are pulled into the myth that it will be unpleasant and difficult, and it will be if you use willpower. You are fighting your own instincts and creating an internal battle with yourself as the (formidable) opponent. So forget willpower and start thinking about what you really want in life.

Choice means you quit smoking because you want to give up. And when you reach the point when you stop because you want to, you’ll find that there’s no resistance left – nothing to fight against. This is the critical point when it becomes easy to quit smoking. Stop making yourself do it and start wanting to do it.

You don’t have to wait years to see all the positive effects of a quit smoking success. Your health will start to improve within minutes of stopping smoking as you rid yourself of harmful toxins. Again, according to medical experts, within 20 minutes of smoking cessation, your blood pressure and pulse rate return to normal. After eight hours, nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the blood reduce by half, and your oxygen levels return to normal. Over the next few hours and days, you will see other beneficial changes, such as your lungs clearing themselves out and becoming strong again, your sense of smell and taste improving, and your breathing becoming clearer.

You will start to notice even more positive changes within the next few weeks and months after stopping. Imagine how you will feel after a year of being a permanent non smoker! Eventually, you can be as healthy as if you never smoked, as your body heals itself. This is amazing – but true. Think fresh air and health rather than a risk of lung cancer.

For many smokers, quitting is simply to do with the issue of how much money they spend on cigarettes. Of course, compared to your health, money absolutely is not an important issue, but perhaps you might like to spend a few minutes considering exactly how much money you spend on smoking, and what you could do with it if you stopped.

Use the calculator here to figure out how much you’re spending on cigarettes a year, and we think you’ll find that investing in quitting is a great long-term strategy.

The best time to stop smoking is when it feels right for you. Don’t let anyone tell you it can’t be done, including yourself. The problem with setting a date for the future is that it stops you from dealing with it now. It also doesn’t allow for the possibility that maybe you won’t want to stop that day. Forget significant dates like birthdays, New Year’s Eve, Christmas etc and stop when it’s right for you. That’s not to say that those dates aren’t OK to stop on, they may be right for you. Ideally, make that today, you’re obviously already thinking about it.

Every year, thousands of people stop smoking on a certain, pre-planned day and only manage to stay stopped for a few days. But don’t worry if this happens to you. Don’t beat yourself up or see it as a failure. You may have to try two or three times before you stop smoking permanently. View it as a platform for future success.

There are many natural ways to quit smoking that don’t involve drugs or nicotine replacement therapies. Hypnotherapy is one such natural method of stopping smoking that we would recommend. Hypnotherapy has helped a great many people stop smoking and its major benefits are that it’s natural, relatively cheap and doesn’t involve pumping nicotine into your body.

You’ll read or hear in some places that there is no clinical evidence for hypnotherapy’s effectiveness. Don’t believe a word of it. The problem is that the kind of research methods used to investigate pills and patches is not appropriate for assessing hypnosis.

Our Blog.

Book Your Hypnotherapy Appointment Online

For more information on our hypnotherapy treatments for smoking, anxiety, or depression, contact our Brisbane clinic today on 07 3367 0337.

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For more information on our human design sessions, contact our Brisbane clinic today on 07 3367 0337.

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The current wait time for an appointment with our nutritionist is approximately 3-4 weeks – be sure to check the next few weeks for availability in your search results. 

If you have an urgent concern that cannot wait, please call us on 07 3367 0337 and we will do our best to fit you in earlier.

Please note you will need to ‘make a profile’ to book an appointment – this will then send us your personal details and create a client file for you. If you’d prefer to call then go through this process then please do!

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You can book your own appointment using our easy online appointment scheduler 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

If you have an urgent concern that cannot wait, please call us on 07 3367 0337 and we will do our best to fit you in earlier.

Please note you will need to ‘make a profile’ to book an appointment – this will then send us your personal details and create a client file for you. If you’d prefer to call then go through this process then please do! 

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Your gut is the centre of everything!

Your ability to digest food and absorb nutrients determines your health, and your microbiome (the bacteria that live inside you) are so important for preventing disease.

Take the quiz now to discover...
  1. How well you are digesting food.
  2. If you’re eating the right things for a healthy gut.
  3. The state of your microbiome.
  4. Your overall gut health score.
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