Media Enquiries.
Please call reception with any media enquiries on 07 3367 0337 and you will be given a direct contact immediately. Our practitioners are available for immediate interview on any health topic. We are experienced in radio, TV and print media.

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Print, TV and radio appearances
mbgplanet: These Storage Hacks Can Help Your Produce Stay Fresh Weeks Longer, Friday 17 October
Body and Soul, 17 August 2023 What makes the Mediterranean diet so powerful? Naturopath and host of The Shift health podcast Katherine Maslen says there are several factors that work together that mean this diet is a lean, mean disease-prevention machine.
Fertility Fixes - Our founder and principal naturopath Katherine Maslen was interviewed for Nature & Health magazine on her expert advise in enhancing natural fertility.
Kitchen Cures - Our founder and principal naturopath Katherine Maslen was interviewed for Good Health magazine on using horseradish for a kitchen cure.
Summer Health Tips - Our founder and principal naturopath Katherine Maslen was interviewed for Nature & Health magazine on her top tips for summer wellness.
Winter Wellness - Our founder and principal naturopath Katherine Maslen was interviewed for Nature & Health magazine on her top tips for winter wellness.
5 Natural Fixes for Beauty Woes - Our founder and principal naturopath Katherine Maslen was interviewed for her tips on resolving acne naturally.
Goodbye Hangover - I talk about some hangover prevention tips leading up to the festive season in this issue of Good Health magazine.
Nature and Health - Best ever home remedies: Our founder and principal naturopath Katherine Maslen was interviewed for Nature & Health magazine on her best ever home remedies.
720 Abc Perth - Our naturopath Gemma Martin was invited on to ABC radio to talk about a study that came out about how watching cat related media could make you happier.
Today Show 23rd (September 2014): Paracetamol Dangers News Bulletin -
Our clinic director and principal naturopath Katherine Maslen was interviewed on the Today show about the dangers of overusing paracetamol in children after a concerning study emerged.
Body and Soul, Sunday Mail (27th July 2014): Maximise the Benefit of Common Food Combos - Clinic director and principal naturopath Katherine Maslen is featured in an article about which foods combine best with other when eaten and which combinations to avoid.
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Our Blog.
Keep your Feet Warm for Optimum Fertility
How to Keep Your Feet Warm for Optimum Fertility It may seem like an old wives tale or something your grandmother would say “don’t forget to wear socks” or “keep […]
The breath is one of the first things we experience when we’re born. At this early stage of our lives, our autonomic nervous system generally controls the breath in harmony […]
Vaginal microbial complaints like thrush and BV are becoming more and more prevalent. When there is chronic or recurring thrush or bacterial vaginosis it is worthwhile completing a vaginal microbiome […]
Benefits Of Acupuncture To Manage Anxiety
What is acupuncture? Acupuncture is a key component of traditional Chinese medicine that has been practiced for thousands of years. This ancient practice involves the insertion of sterile, thin needles […]
Hypnotherapy for Fear of Needles
Clinical hypnotherapy to help with fear of needles and medical procedures involving injections Do you experience an overwhelming fear at the mere sight of a needle or the thought of […]
5 Natural Remedies for Insomnia during Pregnancy
Congratulations on conceiving! Pregnancy is an exciting and transformative time, and alongside some of the beautiful changes happening in your body, there are some not so welcome changes – including […]
How a Female Fertility Test Works
Understanding female fertility is crucial for individuals and couples seeking to conceive. Female fertility testing plays a pivotal role in evaluating reproductive health, identifying potential obstacles, and guiding appropriate interventions. […]
Natural Treatment for Blastocystis Hominis
What is blastocystis hominis? Blastocystis Hominis, a microscopic parasite that resides in the human intestines, has gained increasing attention in recent years due to its potential link to gastrointestinal symptoms. […]
Digestive Disorders That Cause Weight Gain
What are the types of digestive disorders that cause weight gain? Are you struggling with weight gain despite your efforts to eat a healthy diet and exercise? There are a […]
What is pyrrole disorder? Pyrrole disorder is a metabolic condition that involves an abnormality in the synthesis and metabolism of certain compounds called pyrroles. Pyrroles are by-products of red blood […]