Shift your health.
Shift your life.
At Shift we believe that…
It’s how you navigate the journey that determines the end result.
Getting the right advice, insights, treatments and support will help you to arrive where you want to be.
What if you had something to gain from being unwell? If you navigate the wellness journey right, you should come out the other side a better version of yourself.
Healing takes time, but if we continually work on making the shift, you’ll arrive where you need to be.

Our flagship Brisbane clinic ‘Brisbane Natural Health’ (now known as The Shift Clinic Brisbane) was where it all began for us. Created by naturopath Katherine Maslen, our Brisbane clinic was born out of the desire to help people to move through the issues, disease and blockages that stopped them from shifting.
It’s not just about taking supplements and getting treatment, it’s about rediscovering yourself and truly changing your health for good.
At The Shift Clinic Brisbane, we acknowledge that you are a whole person. When you have a swathe of multiple symptoms, you can often feel overwhelmed about where to start. The thing is, usually, these symptoms are connected, and it’s about being a detective and finding out where the best place to start is.
Because we offer a holistic approach to healing to help you heal, you may see one or a combination of naturopathy, acupuncture, massage, hypnotherapy and intuitive healing, depending on your needs.
Founded in 2010 by our principal naturopath Katherine Maslen, The Shift Clinic Brisbane was created when Katherine saw that traditional natural health care didn’t fully support people through their healing journey.

... that our illness gives the person an opportunity to change and grow.
... that our choices, our thoughts and our emotions determine our reality.
... that each and every one of us can live a life that we love.
... that healing is an opportunity to be a better version of yourself.
View our full set of Shift Values here.
Katherine is a mother, naturopath, nutritionist, author, media commentator and host of The Shift podcast. She has a strong background in clinical practice and has seen over 5000 clients one-on-one in her 14 years of practice. This has given her a unique insight into the wellness journey and what people need to progress through it.
Katherine founded Brisbane Natural Health (now known as The Shift Clinic Brisbane) in 2010 after working in several other multi-modality clinics. Shift has fast become one of Australia’s leading wellness centres and is now seen as a leader in the natural health space.
In 2016 Katherine launched a world-first membership program which received wide acclaim and is now a cornerstone of our offerings here at Shift at Brisbane Natural Health.
Katherine is the author of the bestselling book Get Well, Stay Well and the host of the podcast The Shift. In addition to heading up a team of 15 at The Shift Clinic Brisbane, she is the founder and creative director of Shift and the head of the naturopathic team both in the clinic and virtually.

Katherine explains why she created the Shift Clinic…
“I’d say I’ve been through quite a lot in my life so far. And while some people might think that it’s unfortunate, or even feel sorry for me, I am really grateful because without experiencing what I have I wouldn’t be who I am today.
I grew up in a home with domestic violence which had huge implications for my emotional and physical health. The consequence of this was that I ended up homeless, addicted to heroin and living on the streets of Melbourne at the age of 15. This was one of the hardest times of my life, and it really took a toll. I developed depression, acne and had low self-confidence and no self-worth. It was not until I stumbled across natural therapies that my life began to change and I was able to begin to discover what I needed to do to heal.
Luckily, I was able to get out of this environment when I was 15 and start again. Though it wasn’t until I began to study naturopathy at the age of 20 that my healing journey really began. Through the process of learning to help others, I finally sought help and began to heal. It took me on a journey of self-discovery I learnt to love myself again. I regained my energy and zest for life. I even resolved my acne.
I have been through a lot of shifts in my life which has really helped me to gain perspective on what health and wellness are really all about. But there was a point in my career when I began to notice patterns in my patients. I noticed that there was a success criteria – a number of things that people needed to occur in order to successfully make their shift.
I believe that health problems are our teachers. They give us an amazing opportunity to tune back into what our body and soul need to thrive, and to move through self-limiting beliefs and behaviours that limit our potential.
My purpose is to help people shift, and everything I write, speak about and create is made with this intention. I hope that we can inspire you to make your next big shift.”
To learn more about Katherine’s story and what it takes to make a shift, listen to Episode 2 of The Shift podcast here.
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Caring, committed and clinically excellent